Monday, July 18, 2011

Twitter Ranter in Kuwait is Now Being Sued by Bahraini Royal Family

Remember this dude? He forgot that he lived in the Middle East & among all the "democracy" uprisings on Twitter he felt that he too, had every right to insult the Bahraini Royal Family. After all, the democracy he was thinking of was the Western version where MOST OF THE TIME, free speech carries no consequences.

But not in Kuwait. See, over here in the Arab- the RICH- Arab countries, the royal families are all just like THAT- families. So I get it. Kuwait has close ties to Bahrain & it's likened to this:

Kuwait is the parent of Nasser Abul. Nasser Abul behaved out of line by saying offensive things about Kuwait's brother, Bahrain Royalty. As a result, Kuwait feels embarrassed & Nasser got arrested. Don't know where he is now or if he's serving any time or if he was freed. But that doesn't matter, because now he is being sued. Not just by the Bahraini brother- but sued on behalf of this Bahraini brother AND his entire Bahraini Royal Family! Poor Nasser is going to be one broke Kuwaiti when it's all said & done.

Bahrain Royal Sues A Kuwaiti Man for Twitter Comments
KUWAIT CITY, June 12: A member of the Bahraini ruling family Sheikh Abdullah Mohammad bin Ahmad Al-Fatih Al-Khalifa has announced that he is suing a Kuwaiti man, Nasser Abul, for slandering and defaming his family. Abul allegedly posted unflattering remarks about the Bahraini ruling family on his Twitter homepage.
Sheikh Abdullah said he is filing the lawsuit in Kuwait on behalf of all his family members. He added that he respects freedom of expression and constructive criticism of the government and officials, but “the postings hurt a whole family at a personal level.” Sheikh Abdullah thanked Kuwait’s State Security apparatus for their efforts and reiterated that the lawsuit is personal and does not have any sectarian implications.
Meanwhile, Abul — who was detained on Thursday — appeared at the General Prosecution office on Sunday after he was transferred by the State Security apparatus. Sources say investigations with Abul lasted for three hours. State security charges, including charges of damaging the country’s interests and severing political relationship with brotherly countries have been filed against him. Abul denied the charges and told prosecutors that hackers who hacked his account were the culprits, not him. He further claimed that he deleted the messages when he saw them.
Prosecutors have also accused Abul of participating in Bahraini demonstrations.

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