Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kuwait and Human Rights

We KNOW there is a problem with Human Rights in Kuwait. It's no secret since you can open up a local paper & read about all the Philippina women who find refuge in their embassy from their abusive sponsors. The video above shows a Kuwaiti woman actually doing her OWN work, trying to put the Kuwaiti's in the shoes of a domestic worker. Maids do NOT look like that ahaha.

Since many people read my blog, I just need to vent because I'm looking for some information that I cannot seem to find- but I know it's out there.

I want to volunteer with a church or organization (here in Kuwait) that helps VICTIMS of abuse. But I don't know where to look or ask. I'm about googled out & I haven't found a list of organizations. I read once that a church ministry does outreaches to abused women in their embassies but I can't seem to find that info anymore.

So if any Kuwaiti or expat who lives in Kuwait can share any info- that would be great

1 comment:

  1. abused women face fear hard daily questions including safety our free global SPREAD THE WORD TALK WITH THE LORD program inspires daily talks catch they need your help with first question our blogs help g hubbard po box 2232 ponte vedra fl 32004
